Quanta > Projects > Dyes & Pigments > Vanadate Pigment Plant

Pigment Plant - Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India

Sector of activity


Year of Completion


Project Mandate

Quanta Process Solutions was awarded a contract to provide basic engineering for the facility manufacturing either bismuth vanadate pigment or colorful pigment on a campaign basis.

Project Description

The Pigment Plant project involved basic engineering for the facility producing either bismuth vanadate pigment or Colordur pigment on a campaign basis in batch mode.

Services Provided

  • Basic engineering

Number of Equipment

  • There were about 80 number of equipment.

The project features

  • Grass-root plant facility
  • Batch operation
  • Capacity : 1 ton/batch Bismuth Vanadate pigment & 1.2 ton/batch Colordur pigment
  • PFD and P&ID Development
  • PDS of agitators, vessels, filters, pumps, tanks, blowers
  • Basic engineering package

Professional personnel assigned to project

Number of persons (Peak Load)03

Duration (Months)09